January, February, March, April
May, June, July
August, September, October, November
December, we say bye-bye...
January, February, March, April
May, June, July
August, September, October, November
December, we say bye-bye...
To remember the number of days in each month
Put 2 fists together and say for each month
Knuckles have 31, spaces have 30
But there’s 28 days in February
There are 12 months or 365 days in a year,
Cause we count the sun appear and disappear
We use a solar calendar called the Gregorian calendar
Cause we count time by counting days and group them into months and years
January, February, March, April
May, June, July
August, September, October, November
December, we say bye-bye...
January, February, March, April
May, June, July
August, September, October, November
December, we say bye-bye...
May, June, July
August, September, October, November
December, we say bye-bye...
January, February, March, April
May, June, July
August, September, October, November
December, we say bye-bye...
To remember the number of days in each month
Put 2 fists together and say for each month
Knuckles have 31, spaces have 30
But there’s 28 days in February
There are 12 months or 365 days in a year,
Cause we count the sun appear and disappear
We use a solar calendar called the Gregorian calendar
Cause we count time by counting days and group them into months and years
January, February, March, April
May, June, July
August, September, October, November
December, we say bye-bye...
January, February, March, April
May, June, July
August, September, October, November
December, we say bye-bye...
Fun Facts
Most of the names of the months of the year were influenced by the Romans:
- January was named after Janus (god of gates).
- February was named after Februus (god of purification).
- March was named after Mars (god of war).
- April may have been named after Aphrilis (Aphrodite or Venus).
- May was named after Maia (goddess).
- June was named after Juno (goddess & wife of Jupiter).
- July was named after Julius Caesar (Roman dictator).
- August was named after Augustus (first Roman emperor).
- September comes from the Latin word “septem” for 7.
- October comes from the Latin word “octo” for 8.
- November comes from the Latin word “novem” for 9.
- December comes from the Latin word “decem” for 10.